
Emily L'Ami,
Founder of Bodha

Where do you live

Los Angeles

What is the story of your brand and how would you like it to evolve

We created Bodha to help people come back to themselves through the power of scent. My dream is for everyone to experience the therapeutic benefits of incorporating scent into their daily rituals.

What inspires you and helps you get into a creative flow

Daily rituals help me create a sense of grounded spaciousness in daily life. And actively returning to the 'why' rather than worrying about the 'how, when & what'.

What is the message that you want to express through your product/service

Our mantra is 'come back to yourself' because we believe deepening your connection to yourself is the most fundamental thing you can do to be happy.

What does the word beauty evoke for you 

Nature in all its forms

What is a motto/quote you are living by right now

'Possibility is the secret heart of time.'
- John O'Donahue


