Become more than what you think you are


Through the expansion of awareness can we really explore beyond the realms of the intellect. It’s about discovering different ways of looking. Different approaches to old ideas. Reimagining concepts for different situations.  

How can we let go of the idea of what we think we are. Within the limitations of thoughts, the ego has the tendency to hold on tightly to these expectations and hold imagined pressure on how something could be.

What do you see in an image? Everyone will have different interpretations and impressions based on their past experiences. Different memories associated with the different forms of what is being seen.  In a similar way, I encourage you to expand your perspective of how you see life. There are always many sides to the truth, see it all and gain more compassion, inspiration and understanding for the world around you.


In a group of people, imagine what it feels like to be another person. Release the identification with what is going on through your senses, and try to experience it from their perspective. Quieten your mind and let go of over analysing. Deeply listen to what they're saying. See if you can listen within the pauses of what they're saying. Listen to what is coming up in you, without judgement. But being with what is.

Inspiration is constantly being revealed to you at every moment, you only have to be open, willing and empty enough to hear.


Amongst all the other projects, I’m currently working on something that will invite these different ways of seeing to consciously activate paths of inspiration for your work, brand or business. I hope to share this with you all in the coming months.

