the Ode Agency


BRAND/web design

A Holistic Approach to Entrepreneurship

An integrative space for your legacy to bud, blossom & bloom. We offer monthly rituals and ceremonies that enhance creativity and enrich business. Designed to invoke the unique artistic channel within you to actualise and run a business of purpose.  

Founded by Zoe Bosco and Lora Villanueva the Ode Agency is your sacred ally on the path of embodied creation, business artistry and holistic entrepreneurship.

Building a legacy is an ever evolving work of art, one that requires devotional tending and a commitment to the craft of Being alongside the art of Doing. We at the Ode believe in calling upon archetypal wisdom and cultivating an authentic embodied expression to help guide the process.

the Agency is for the inspired creatives connected to a vision that is budding, gently blossoming or in full bloom. With three consulting pathways to choose from designed to meet you exactly where you are at to support you in reaching the potential you know you are ready to achieve.