Hidden with Andō
in an empty field —
10,000 unborn flowers
— Andō.
This month's playlist is curated in collaboration with This month’s playlist is curated with Andō of The Silence, and Silentium.
Stillness means the eternal stillness, that which holds all things and all movement within it.
Silence means the eternal silence, that which holds all sound, all speech, all music, within it.
At first glance, stillness and silence appear to be empty of content, whilst in reality, they are in fact full, overflowing, boundless, and eternal. Together, they contain all, they are life itself, perfect, and whole.
Release Journal
PlaylistsLora Villanuevainspiration, design, creativity, consciousness, spiritual, creative process, entrepreneur, mindfulness, business, stress, small business, abundance, self-worth