5 tips to open your mind to creative flow


  1. Recharge in nature

    Get outside. Sit in the sun. Walk barefoot on the grass. Go for a swim. Sometimes we just need to connect to nature to rebalance from stressful deadlines and computer screens. When we can reset we allow more space for creativity and clarity.

  2. Stay open and receptive

    If you usually drive, take a walk. If you always walk, go a different way home. A way to open yourself up seeing something different or from a different perspective. A nice practise is take a day of silence for yourself. Tell others beforehand of your intention, sometimes I do from sunrise to sunset. Take the time to go inwards and observe. Sometimes I take a walk through the city and just observe people and nature. You’d be surprised how much more you will be able to hear and get inspired.

  3. Set your space
    Space and environment is so important and as they say the inner environment reflects the outer. So I always take the time in my day to clean the inner space whether it is through meditation or yoga. I keep my space as neat as possible and light a candle or some incense.

  4. Break it up

    It’s so easy for me to get into a flow of work or totally loose all sense of time and space and be totally focused and immersed in the screen or the work, that I forget to look away or take a break. I put a reminder to get up every hour to get up and stretch, boil and sip hot water or pick up a book and turn to any page to read a little inspiration.

  5. Find inspiration everywhere
    Watch a foreign film. Expose yourself to something different. Try different kinds of food. Do a life-drawing class. I love going to the art gallery or sit for hours in the library and flick through books. The ever repeating known is the space which we limit our growth. When we embrace the unknown and we allow new ideas and opportunities to arise.

RechargeLora Villanueva