Morning Rituals based on the 6 senses


In a world where we are overwhelmed by choice, stimulation and influence, it can be difficult to tune into our own creative intuition.

When we can wake up to each day fresh and in balance are we able to access the our own mental potential and express our most creative selves in whatever way that is. When we are functioning from a place of stress, rush or anxiety, we are not able to hear our own intuitive guidance that at times gets clouded by too many thoughts.

The body is the vehicle for the divine. It is not our True Self but it is an instrument for us to experience spiritual growth, experience and to create.

I wanted to share with you my morning ritual that stimulates the senses, keeps me fresh and connects me to something bigger that my small self.

INTUITION / Wake up before the sunrise

The Veda calls this time period (hour and a half before sunrise) Brahma Mahurta. It is the time just before nature awakes. In is the time when everything is calm and more meditative states are able to be accessed. It is the time that I feel most creative, energised and clear. I use this alone time to go inward, meditate, go for a walk, do yoga, or reflect and journal.

TASTE / Sip hot water

When you think about washing your dishes, to get rid of the dirt we use hot water. After brushing my teeth and scraping my tongue I sip hot water. The hottest I can handle without burning my tongue. It not only calms the nervous system, aids digestion, improves circulation and clears the channels from toxins.

SCENT / Burn incense or essential oils

The power of scent has the ability to transform ones mood. I like to burn sandalwood incense in the mornings after I meditate. During the day I almost always have a blend of essential oils burning. Aromatherapy is really powerful and can keep your system in a state of balance and calm.

HEAR / Surround yourself by positive sound vibration

Everything is vibration. Sound has the power to effect our mental state and influences our own vibration. In the mornings I like to listen to Vedic mantras, morning prayers of the Quran or Shamanic chanting. These powerful sound vibrations have the ability to awaken hidden aspects of ourselves and is a call for our soul to remember what we are. During the day while I’m working I listen to a wide variety of music, from world music, psychedelic rock to tribal deep house.

TOUCH / Feel and communicate with the elements

All the elements that are outside to us are also within us. Feeling fresh grass under my feet or going for a swim in the ocean in the mornings are sure ways to recharge and cleanse your energy. Immersing yourself in natural bodies of water invigorates. Feeling the warmth of the morning sun on my face and body energises. When I communicate with nature I connect with something bigger than this small ego self. It humbles me. It gives you a sense of gratitude and perspective on life.

SIGHT / Let what you see reflect the vision of your life

The power of sight fills us with visual stimuli and can generate inspiration. Being a very visual person, aesthetics are important to me. I surround myself with beautiful things. Beautiful books about art and architecture. Beautiful artworks and objects of significance. Setting up your room and workspace is reflective of your mind. When your space is clear can clarity come.

RechargeLora Villanueva