Xavier Allen Studio



About Xavier

My artist name is Xavier Allen.

This is separate from my given name and gender.

I became enamored with this idea of a woman stepping into a masculine name, like armor, like mystery, while maintaining a connection to the sensuality of female energy.

Art has always been part of my life. My mother, father, and brother all make their living doing art.

They carve, paint, sew, and create music. Our homes growing up were modest but always filled with beautiful things.

I currently make my living looking at art all day as an art consultant for private clients and hotels.

Evenings and weekends I create art as Xavier.


How do you start your morning?

I get out of bed at the same time everyday to

meditate for 20 minutes. On good days I can

stay awake and do some form of movement

right after, but lately I’ve been staying up late

so I just go back to sleep.

I wake up a second time and make a large

pot of coffee. Before work I write the day—its

to dos, and an intention.



Creative Process

For sculpture it’s an intimate process. Oil clay bends and folds to the warmth of my hands. Pleasing forms emerge when they find a shape that feels good. 2-dimensional works are always based on sculptures. I don’t control when those ideas happen so I usually have a notebook handy. When an idea is exciting I ask which sculpture would like to express it and work from there until I get it right.




Home is a place for experimentation, and unfiltered

ideas. It’s minimal but filled with artwork. Some

are artists I’ve worked with during projects I’ve

consulted on. Interacting with the artist and feeling

their energy has always been an important part of

inviting a piece into my home.

I like to carry that knowledge into my own work.

How important my energy is creating a piece, as it

can affect the energy of the space it inhabits.


Words about objects that create space:

A moment pulled through shadows

of higher dimensions

Process inspired by nature

Formed slowly, lovingly

Dance across warm fingertips

Smooth surfaces are born from dust

and time

and more time

Energy condensed as sculpture

Feel free to connect


Evening Ritual

On nights I’m at the studio it’s a late dinner. Followed

by listening to music or watching tv while sketching or

playing with clay. This reminds me of my father who

could always find a way work during absolute chaos.

I love to stay up late, so when I’m finally tired I’ll go

to bed and try to read for as long as possible before

falling asleep.


