Invitation to Unity in Expression




An invitation to come back to the body.

An invitation to turn the focus inwards.


An invitation to invert the external expression, to become still and feel the inner simmer of the energetic system.

An invitation to close the eyes, lifting the arms slowly and allowing free and open movement, letting the body lead the way. Welcoming the pulsating nervous system, the shiver, the jolt. Feeling the body as it is, tasting its language and letting it unfold, naturally within its original intelligence. Feeling, the edges of the body disappearing, as body energy and air energy become one. The matter molecules of the surrounding furniture walls and the nature fusing with the boundless intelligence of your body. A single symbiosis, coming together as one. The intelligence which creates all the wonders of nature is now recognised as the same intelligence pulsing through your veins. The dissolution of boarders, turning the attention around and subtly asking the body what it wants to do, how it wants to express. Letting the intelligence that precedes the mind lead the way.


An invitation to dissolve the boarders between you and your creative expression. You and the art becoming one symbiosis of energy, the creator and the created. The artist and the art are one.