One With Nature, Patience Within the Creative Process


With loving intention, you plant a cherry seedling in your garden. Ensuring it is situated in a well cleared area, where it won’t be shaded by other trees and where the roots can anchor deep into the earth. You hold the image in your mind of this seed growing into a beautiful cherry tree. You take care of the seed, water it when needed and patiently wait for nature to run its perfectly orchestrated course. A broad 10 years later, the tree comes to fruition, and the first harvest is enjoyed with a sense of wonder. The tree grew at its own pace supported by the seasons, the water from the rain, the earth’s ability to hold water and provide the necessary nutrients. We don’t doubt if nature will do its job, we have an innate knowing that the natural symbiosis will support its growth if we take the well informed steps in planting and caring for it.


Just as the seed takes time to grow, at the pace of nature, so is the human process of growth and evolution. On a personal and business level, playing the long game; letting go of the obstinate need for the ideal accomplishment to happen overnight, is an art form in itself. The flash of inspiration that lights up the sky of the mind with the magnificent final outcome, comes with an intensity to accomplish the inspired feat. However, when it comes to getting down to the process, we tend to overestimate what we can accomplish in a year and wildly underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade. As any person who has undergone the path of creation knows, there is a fine line between doing something or lingering at the threshold, and just not taking the first step. When we find ourselves perched at this threshold, we can remind ourselves to return to the pace of nature and start with planting. Remind ourselves that the cherry seed does not force its growth through will power, rather it blooms and grows at a natural pace, with the seasons.