藍を究める In Pursuit of Indigo


In Pursuit of Indigo

This video features Mr. Kensuke Yamamura's Aizome Kasuri Kobo, who specializes in natural indigo dyed, hand-woven kasuri.

Founded in 1891, Aizome Kasuri Kobo is a Kurume Kasuri workshop located in Hirokawa, Fukuoka Prefecture. There are two main types of Kurume Kasuri: the indigo dyed, hand woven type, and the chemical dyed, machine woven type. Even amongst weavers that use indigo dye and hand weaving methods, Aizome Kasuri Kobo places particular emphasis on valuing traditional methods. The workshop creates beautiful gradations in the indigo’s color by dyeing pieces over and over, sometimes more than 50 times. They also design geometric patterns through interpretations of traditional motifs, creating pieces with a charm unique to Aizome Kasuri Kobo.